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How Much Do Carousel Rides Cost?

Carousel rides are a great and must-have installment in any amusement park and family entertainment center. Also known as merry-go-rounds, they are a big attraction for fun-seekers of all ages, from kids to adults. This ride consists of a platform that revolves around a fixed center and is fitted with seats resembling a wide range of things and animals, primarily horses. And as these seats also lift up and down, riders feel as if they are riding a horse, which explains why this ride is so popular.

If you own or run an amusement or theme park and are looking for something that is guaranteed to attract crowds and generate more income for your business, you can never go wrong with a carousel ride. With that being said, perhaps your biggest concern now is how much it will cost you to have one installed. However, there is no one straightforward answer to this as carousel rides come in different types, capacities, and design features. But in general, the prices range from $1,500 for a simple 3-seat carousel to up to $400,000 for a 48-seat double-deck carousel.

Here are some of the key factors that affect the price of a carousel ride:grand carousel manufacturers


The size of the ride is perhaps the most obvious factor that determines the price of the ride. The higher the ride capacity the more expensive it will be. As noted, these rides have a capacity ranging from 3 seats to 48 seats. Depending on the amount of available space and your budget, you will need to find one that meets your specific requirements. Click here to know Carousel For Sale In Saudi Arabia: https://bestonamusementequipment.com/carousel-for-sale-in-saudi-arabia/


It should go without saying that different manufacturers will set different prices for their products. You should expect carousel rides from large and well-established amusement rides manufacturers to be more expensive from small and lesser-known brands. Large manufacturers have the capacity to create the best quality products on the market and also offer more options and guarantees. When investing in amusement park equipment, it is always best to choose a reputable manufacturer.amusement park carousel

Drive mode

Carousel rides are divided into two main types depending on their drive mode: top drive and under drive. Top-drive carousels, which have their motor on the top are more expensive than under-drive carousels. They are also more expensive to maintain. The under-drive carousels are cheaper to buy and maintain, and also easier to assemble and disassemble. They are recommended for heavy-duty situations.

Level of decoration

There are three types of carousel rides depending on the level of decoration: simple, semi-grand, and grand carousel rides for sale. The simple version has the least amount of decorations and visual features. On the other hand, grand carousels are the most beautiful with fiberglass materials, music equipment, LED lights, and other features that attract the most attention. As you can tell, grand carousel rides are more expensive than simple and semi-grand carousel rides.


It takes a lot of time and skill to create a detailed and comfortable seat form, for example, a horse. And also to achieve a certain theme, for example, Halloween, Disney, underwater, and so on. The amount of time, skill, and resources that went into creating the product will heavily influence the price.

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